“The Shed”
Why meet God in a shed?
You might be familiar with the concept of a “she shed.” But have you ever heard of a “God Shed?” Well, we created one! It’s an intimate space to be alone with God, built with the sole intention to encounter Him and experience His fullness. We had the desire to create this space for our own personal walks with God, but felt prompted to open it up to others. Our curiosity of what would take place, as people stepped inside to find Him, resulted in this video series.
Curious what it looks like to meet God in a shed? Watch and see.
Season One
We extended an invitation for twelve individuals to come to The Shed-a private space on our property where they could spend a few hours alone with God. Each person arrived with various backgrounds, different expectations and ways of finding Him. Would God show up? What would He say? How would He want to touch the lives of these people and reveal Himself to them? Watch as they tell all and share about their time in “The Shed.”
Season Two
We are currently working on forming season two with all new guest interviews and encounters. At this time our finish date is TBD. Our hope is to launch sometime in 2024. If you would like to receive notification when season two of “The Shed” is available click below. You will be one of the first ones to know!
“Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. I have chosen and consecrated this sanctuary so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.”
— 2 Chronicles 7:15-16